This fast-growing evergreen has beautiful yellow flowers from spring into autumn. Prune regularly if it is on a small fence or wall, ensuring the roots are not too wet.
This vigorous China rose is popular, for its dark purple shoots, coppery young leaves, and lovely fragrant summer flowers. It will grow taller than usual against a wall.
From late summer into autumn, long racemes of pink flowers project from soft, downy leaves. Except in cold areas, old growth is best pruned back every spring.
On warm evenings from late summer into autumn, long greenish catkins give off a honey-like aroma. The dark green, glossy, holly-like leaves are evergreen.
Vigorous and scrambling, this shrub is evergreen in, warmer areas.
Loose clusters of star-shaped flowers appear over ,a long period in summer. Needs support.PINEAPPLE GUAVA
The summer flowers of this interesting evergreen shrub have fleshy, edible petals and crimson stamens. Edible, egg-shaped fruits are produced after a hot summer.
Large rose-pink pea-flowers are borne in drooping clusters from late spring into summer. The leaves, with numerous lush green leaflets, are held on fragile stems.
Shrubs for Sunless Walls and Fences
ROME GARDENERS may perceive a wall or fence that does Ono receive direct sunlight as a curse, and consider it unsightly. It need not be a problem, however, as long as it receives some light.
Many shrubs (and climbers) will thrive, and some even prefer the normally cooler conditions of such a site, while others flower freely in or out of the sun.WEEPING FORSYTHIA
A vigorous, rambling shrub, this requires regular pruning and training to prevent it from becoming overpowering. Star-shaped flowers wreathe the branches in spring.
Superb in spring, when the previous year's branches are hidden beneath brilliant red flower clusters. Like `Moerloosei', best pruned and trained close to the wall.
A reliable, adaptable, and vigorous shrub, this carries large flower clusters in spring and early summer, followed by aromatic fruits. Prune, and train on wires.
A handsome evergreen shrub, low and bushy in a bed, but rising higher against a wall if trained. Glossy dark green leaves have broad, irregular creamy margins.
The aromatic leaves of this slow-growing evergreen are joined by loose clusters of yellow, star-shaped flowers in spring. The wood also has a strong, agreeable aroma.
This elegant evergreen will grow to small tree size if allowed. Arching branchlets are clothed with leaves and, in late winter or spring, tiny vanilla-scented flowers.
From midwinter through to early spring the branches are draped with long tassels, which s;emble in the slightest breeze. This shrub-has leathery evergreen leaves.
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